Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Exploring Monaco...and food.

Bonsoir everyone! Sorry it has been so long since the last time I posted...I got busy with school work, and then I was tired, and sometimes I just didn't feel like posting. But I'm here now, avoiding doing homework :) So here's what I have done, day by day, since Friday.

Saturday: I slept until 1 pm. I have these shutters that completely block the doors in my room, so there's no sun to wake me up...or at least give me any indication that it's not 4 AM. Anyway, I finally got up and got ready, and left my apartment around 2. I decided not to go the same way I do everyday, so I exited through the front of my building and walked down the street in Beausoleil. I saw some shops and potential places to eat. However, it looks kind of sketchy to be around at night, so I probably won't be going that way too often. Then I walked down some stairs and ended up on a side street off of the main one that I walk on basically every day in Monaco. I found a Nike store, and I walked in for a minute. But there weren't any prices on the sneakers, so I took that as a sign that they were very expensive and I left. I was close to where I was planning on going, so I continued onto the main street and after a few minutes, got to the tourist office and garden area. I walked by some fountains and found a Haagen-Dazs that I never noticed before. I continued to the gardens (which are gorgeous), and walked over near the casino. I stopped to take some pictures in front of it, but I felt like I was supposed to be giving them money just to look at it, so I left after a minute. Then I ended up walking behind the casino, and onto the top of the Fairmont Monte Carlo. I had some amazing views of the Mediterranean Sea and the mountains. After I finished walking around there, I walked down the street to Port Hercule because I was really hungry and I knew there were some "snack bars"/cafes there. I ended up going to the cheapest place (which was also the busiest) and ordered a croque-monsieur for €4. It was really good, and I think I can find an even better one. :) After I finished my lunch, I went to grocery store across the street to buy a drink and then I took the bus home. That night I did nothing...just relaxed since I was really tired from all of the walking that I did!

Sunday: I woke up a little after 12. I took a shower, did half of the laundry that I needed to (since that was all that would fit in the washing machine), and picked up my apartment a bit. Then I pretended to do homework basically all day, until I realized that it was almost midnight and really did need to at least finish my management information systems (such a boring class) homework. I was in bed around 1:30, but probably didn't fall asleep until almost 2. Also, I downloaded the Amazon Kindle app for my iPad and starting reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson.

Monday: Waking up was terrible...I was so exhausted. I hate having to wake up at 7:15 so I can be at school in time for my 9 AM class. I can sleep until 7:30 if I decide to get ready fast. I fell asleep for like 15 minutes in my second class (management information systems) and woke up realizing that we had only covered 4 or 5 slides. Then, I was absolutely starving and needed something fast to eat that I had experience with. So I went to McDonald's and ordered chicken nuggets. As soon as I finished eating, I regretted it. The french fries were really good though. I went back to school for my last class of the day, and we watched a movie about "discovering psychology". The only reason I stayed awake was because we had questions to answer about it. I finished classes, went to the store to buy a prepaid phone, and then went to Carrefour to buy laundry detergent, a drying rack, and cookies. After I got home, I took a short nap, and attempted to read for business ethics, but it was too boring. I went to bed around 11:30 and read some of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo until midnight. I passed out as soon as I turned off my iPad.

Today: Today wasn't too bad...I only had business ethics this morning. Something funny that happened: my professor could not figure out how to get onto Google...all I could think was, "She needs Google to find Google..." :) I left after class and went to Carrefour again, this time to buy food. Also, I ordered a sandwich with ham and cheese (or in French, demi-baguette avec jambon et fromage), and it was absolutely delicious. After I got back to my apartment, I took a 3 hour nap, and then woke up and did some web surfing. At 5:00, I gathered up my laundry, detergent, and a nice (but really cheap!) bottle of rose wine, and headed just across the street to Noël and David's apartment. They agreed to let me do laundry every once in a while, in exchange for buying wine or doing dishes. I was happy to accept Noël's proposal, since it would cost me like €12 a week to do all of my laundry. So I got there and put my laundry in, and Noël and I watched Bolt together. Such a super cute movie! (Thanks again, Noël and David!!) After I got back, I attempted to make a cheese quesadilla, but the cheese I used isn't good for quesadilla making :( I also tried to make some kind of microwavable tortellini thing, but it was disgusting. I couldn't even attempt to eat it. So I had some tortilla chips and salsa for dinner. Yay nutrition!

On a side note...I have learned so much about the world in the last week and a half that I've been here. Why? Because the only channel I get on TV in English is CNN. In fact, I've watched CNN so much that I'm starting to recognize the songs on the commercials. It's getting bad.

Things coming up this week: I believe playing Mafia on Thursday (and Noël's birthday!), and Friday night, the Student Association is throwing a Welcome Back Happy Hours event at a local bar. I'm finally starting to do stuff with my life! :D

I'll be posting again within the next few days, and I'll continue to take pictures and put them on Facebook. I'm also planning to make a Flickr account soon, but that will be so my family can see the pictures I'm taking. For now, I don't think I have anything else to write about, so au revoir! :)

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